Speaking Engagements

Emotional Intelligence for Leaders

Dr. Todd Redden with open arms.

Todd Redden

CEO & Executive Coach , IHA Leadership

Do you know your team?  Do you truly know your team, and how much insight do you have  into your own behavior, your leadership style, or your blind spots? Our consultants have extensive experience with individual leadership and team assessments.  Now only can we assist  you in better understanding your degree of Emotional Intelligence, we can help your team better understand their own traits that can either strengthen the team or undermine its success toward being a High Performing Team.

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Dealing with Difficult People

Some have said, “if it wasn’t for the people, I’d love my job”. The people are the primary contributors to the complexities (and challenges) of healthcare and academic settings.

Understanding Power & Politics

Who controls the resources? How are decisions made within your organization?

Leading Through Change

It’s been said that the only constant is change. However, regardless of how often things change, human nature continues to resist it.

How can we help you? Let's meet.