Speaking Engagements

Leading vs. Managing

Dr. Todd Redden with open arms.

Todd Redden

CEO & Executive Coach , IHA Leadership

Yes, there is a difference, and sometimes the difference is stark.  Nevertheless, both play an important role in healthcare, higher education and all other areas of business and industry.  Understanding the important differences and if/when to switch roles is crucial as an effective leader.  

This talk provides leaders with a clear understanding of the differences and arms them with knowledge and tools to execute.  It’s time to stop letting the urgent get in the way of the important.

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Everyday Self-Care

Learn techniques that allow for the prevention of burnout.

A Toxic Environment and Corporate Corrosion

A toxic environment can present itself in many forms. Examples might include bullying behavior, retaliation, cliques, gossip, harassment or attempts to undermine leadership.

Creating a Dynamic Learning Environment

In our experience, students don’t often come to the classroom prepared as adult learners.

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