Speaking Engagements

Leading vs. Managing

Dr. Todd Redden with open arms.

Todd Redden

CEO & Executive Coach , IHA Leadership

Yes, there is a difference, and sometimes the difference is stark.  Nevertheless, both play an important role in healthcare, higher education and all other areas of business and industry.  Understanding the important differences and if/when to switch roles is crucial as an effective leader.  

This talk provides leaders with a clear understanding of the differences and arms them with knowledge and tools to execute.  It’s time to stop letting the urgent get in the way of the important.

Read More:

Self-Preservation in Complex Organizations

Just a few years ago a leader, new to his healthcare organization, shared that his introduction to many of his colleagues was when they called him angry that they had been excluded from one of his meetings.

Navigating Personalities on Your Team

You have a vision, but your colleagues can’t see the forest for the trees. The messiness of your colleague’s desk is bothersome to you—“How can she find anything?”

Critical Thinking: Diving Deeper

There are checklists and planners for every task imaginable nowadays. As important as checklists are, they may cloud a broader perspective or more wholistic considerations.

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