Speaking Engagements

Balancing Your Wheel of Well-Being

Dr. Todd Redden with open arms.

Todd Redden

CEO & Executive Coach , IHA Leadership

Taking into consideration the seven dimensions of well-being (physical, intellectual, emotional, social, spiritual, occupational, and environmental), participants in this workshop will assess personal well-being, but will also discuss and outline strategies to balance their Wheel of Well-Being.

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Critical Thinking: Diving Deeper

There are checklists and planners for every task imaginable nowadays. As important as checklists are, they may cloud a broader perspective or more wholistic considerations.

Teammate Engagement

High performing teams are engaged teams. Engaged teams will not defect for a couple dollars more an hour.

Dealing with Difficult People

Some have said, “if it wasn’t for the people, I’d love my job”. The people are the primary contributors to the complexities (and challenges) of healthcare and academic settings.

How can we help you? Let's meet.